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General Description: It is an 探索區域 bridging the 北席娃山脈 with the 南席娃山脈. It is the first area passed through in the 模板:Droknar Run. This area is unique in a few ways, most noticeably, it is the only explorable area that offers access to the 神之領域 (see statue information below). It is also the only area in the game that combines high level monsters (20-24) and low level monsters (8-10) at the same time.

Exits / Neighbour Areas[]


  • North: 畢肯高地



  • 阿畢卡拉
  • 模板:Frost Wurm
  • 穴居人
  • 冰小惡魔
  • 松木怪
  • 石峰矮人
  • 冰原巨人




  • 模板:Nord Stonegrimm

Objects Of Interest[]

Grenth's Statue[]

Lornar's Pass is host to a 五真神神像 of 古蘭斯 that allows access to 地下世界. This is the only known way to access a 神之領域 from outside the 世紀神殿.

A group with five players in the American territory and 3 in the Europe territory were able to access the Underworld when America had the favor (starting from an International District in Camp Rankor); thus, it's guessed that the "party's territory" is based on the majority of the players from a certain territory. An alternative theory is that only the group leader's territory requires favor.

In addition, you can get a morale boost before heading into the UW, which is impossible from the Temple of the Ages.
