
英文:The Forgotten Ones



  1. 天際流域尋找塞利司亞西斯

Obtained from:

安娜麗菲思 in 命運峽谷




1,000 經驗值
僧侶 : 復仇意志
戰士: 防禦態勢
死靈法師: 操縱惡魔骸骨
遊俠: 精準之箭
幻術師: 元素抵抗
元素使: 燃燒連結


很久以前,我們的族人來到這各沙漠尋找超越之路. 我們遇到一各以被遺忘者為名。長得像蛇一樣的怪物,我們認為那只是一隻單純的怪物,想除掉牠。有一天出去探索的時候,在天河流域碰見一隻被遺忘者的怪物,但是那各怪物開始跟我講話,當時被嚇了一跳。他的名子叫塞利司亞西斯,跟我說了一些有關這個地區的秘密,這各秘密可能可以幫助我的族人。但是,唉,太遲了。如果你想要了解更多被遺忘者的事情,你可以去天際流域那裡尋找塞利司亞西斯


更新任務後,塞利司亞西斯會給予任務 - 被遺忘的智慧


You can get to Sariss Yassith either from 占卜之石 or 命運峽谷. Both ways are about the same length and equally dangerous.

  • From Augury Rock, after entering Skyward Reach, hug the wall to your right, until to your right the collector 模板:Rylan Paval comes into view. Now you should head to the south-east, towards the 傳送門. There will be a few 三頭龍s in your way. Dispatch them quickly because if you linger too long here, another Hydra patrol may ambush you from behind. Use the teleporter to cross the main path, which is heavily patrolled by Hydras and head east. You will meet a few small groups of 附魔 here and more Hydras. Watch the movement of the Hydras! Most groups you will encounter in this area are stationary and can be avoided, however, there are a few patrols, too. Approach Sariss Yassith's position by hugging the western side of the western of the two small mountains. Do not enter the open fields to your left, as there are many Hydras there. You will have to fight one more Hydra patrol right before you meet Sariss Yassith.
  • From Destiny's Gorge after entering Skyward Reach, hug the wall to your left, until you come to a teleporter. You will have to fight your way through some strong groups of Losaru 半人馬s and a couple of Hydras. After using the teleporter, advance carefully, because this area is heavily patrolled by Hydras. Go south, turn west through the gap in the cliff face, across a small plain and through another narrow pass. Sariss Yassith is on the hill to your right. You will have to fight one more Hydra patrol right before you meet Sariss Yassith.